"You don't remind me of a farmer, but yer doin' pretty good with yer garden there, boy."
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Comments Welcome!
I haven't replied to comments made over a month ago! So, I decided to step up my blogger game and actually respond, so that you will be encouraged to post more comments. I'm new to this whole blogosphere, so bear with me. Please comment, and I promise to respond! I know some of you are replying through email, so I will try to step up and respond to all those, too. Thanks for following the blog!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Fatty Sam
Sam is 8 months old! When we took him for his six month check-up, there was a tiny, little, eency-weency cause for concern because he went from being in the 50th percentile for weight to the 25th. So, we have been pumping him full of sweet potatoes, peas, green beans, carrots, avocado, pears, peaches, apple sauce, rice cereal, multi-grain cereal, and breast milk. Sam is a big fan of pears, peaches, apple sauce, and the cereals. He seems to just grit his gums (he still doesn't have any teeth) and deal with most of the vegetables. Surprisingly, he just won't eat bananas. We think it may be the gooey factor, but the face he makes when eating bananas is priceless.
Well, all of our hard work has paid off! Sam gained over two pounds in 6 weeks, and the doctor is no longer concerned about his weight. Our pediatrician is also impressed with how quickly Sam continues to develop. Sam can pull himself up to standing. We usually find him standing in the crib when we go to get him in the morning, or when he wakes up from naps. He also says "mama," "dada" (though we're not sure if he really knows what he's saying), and is generally very vocal (randomly raises his arm in the air and says/screams nonsense). Well, here's what you're all waiting for - more pics of Sam.
Well, all of our hard work has paid off! Sam gained over two pounds in 6 weeks, and the doctor is no longer concerned about his weight. Our pediatrician is also impressed with how quickly Sam continues to develop. Sam can pull himself up to standing. We usually find him standing in the crib when we go to get him in the morning, or when he wakes up from naps. He also says "mama," "dada" (though we're not sure if he really knows what he's saying), and is generally very vocal (randomly raises his arm in the air and says/screams nonsense). Well, here's what you're all waiting for - more pics of Sam.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
You Say Tomato, I say Brandywine . . .
. . . Carolina Gold, and Better Boy tomatoes. Here's what they looked like when we first planted them.
They have since grown into the beasts of the east (yes, they are actually on the east side of the garden). Check 'em out below.
This is the Brandywine tomato plant. We became interested in growing this tomato because we heard that it can grow anywhere from 7-12 feet tall, and each pink tomato grows to be 1-2lbs.! Right now the plant is about 4.5-5 ft. tall and has 8 or 9 small tomatoes growing on it. Here are some pics of Sam in front of it to give you an idea of how big the plant is.
OK, so maybe some of those pics are so you can see how cute Sam is. Enjoy!
We are also growing Carolina Gold and Better Boy tomatoes. Here are some pics of the actual tomatoes growing on those.
These are the Carolina Gold tomatoes. The Carolina Gold was producing the most tomatoes, and may have been the healthiest plant. . . until I freaked out about some of the leaves curling up on the bottom half of the plant and decided to go Edward Scissorhands on it. Check this out.
What you see is not an optical illusion - there are no leaves on the bottom half of the plant, only tomatoes. Way to go me. I guess I'm still a wannabe farmer. Hopefully she'll survive. I'll keep you updated with any signs of hope.
Here are the Better Boy plants and tomatoes. These are fairing a little better, since they didn't suffer the Edward-Scissorhands-fate of the Carolina Gold.
Coming up, the first hope-to-be-weekly installment of "Said on the Farm." Stay tuned.
They have since grown into the beasts of the east (yes, they are actually on the east side of the garden). Check 'em out below.
This is the Brandywine tomato plant. We became interested in growing this tomato because we heard that it can grow anywhere from 7-12 feet tall, and each pink tomato grows to be 1-2lbs.! Right now the plant is about 4.5-5 ft. tall and has 8 or 9 small tomatoes growing on it. Here are some pics of Sam in front of it to give you an idea of how big the plant is.
OK, so maybe some of those pics are so you can see how cute Sam is. Enjoy!
We are also growing Carolina Gold and Better Boy tomatoes. Here are some pics of the actual tomatoes growing on those.
These are the Carolina Gold tomatoes. The Carolina Gold was producing the most tomatoes, and may have been the healthiest plant. . . until I freaked out about some of the leaves curling up on the bottom half of the plant and decided to go Edward Scissorhands on it. Check this out.
What you see is not an optical illusion - there are no leaves on the bottom half of the plant, only tomatoes. Way to go me. I guess I'm still a wannabe farmer. Hopefully she'll survive. I'll keep you updated with any signs of hope.
Here are the Better Boy plants and tomatoes. These are fairing a little better, since they didn't suffer the Edward-Scissorhands-fate of the Carolina Gold.
Coming up, the first hope-to-be-weekly installment of "Said on the Farm." Stay tuned.
Monday, June 14, 2010
The Brussels Sprout!
Well, I know you've been on the edge of your seat waiting for the 1st Annual Spring Garden Awards, but there has been a bit of a delay. Kimberly and I went to Charleston, SC for Memorial Day weekend to see family (who have an amazing garden, by the way!). While in Charleston, we were lamenting the fact that the brussels sprouts had produced absolutely nothing. We were ready to award them the "Don't grow me in the spring because it gets too hot too quick and I don't produce anything you moron" award, until we got back from Charleston and found these scrumptious sprouts . . .

They literally went from nothing to having full blown sprouts on them over the long weekend. So, we've gotta wait, see what they do, taste the sprouts and reevaluate our awards.
Stay tuned, though. We've got a lot of catching up to do. There are big developments with the summer garden at Catlin Farms. Oh, and there are some pretty sweet pics of Sam coming up!
They literally went from nothing to having full blown sprouts on them over the long weekend. So, we've gotta wait, see what they do, taste the sprouts and reevaluate our awards.
Stay tuned, though. We've got a lot of catching up to do. There are big developments with the summer garden at Catlin Farms. Oh, and there are some pretty sweet pics of Sam coming up!
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