Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A time to plant . . .

Yes, you're right. It has been more than two weeks since I last posted. I'll say that I've got a good excuse, though. If everybody were to be honest, you'd all admit that you follow the blog to see pictures of Sam. Well, the camera's connection to the computer still isn't working, so we haven't posted anything. But, I think there is something exciting enough to post--even without pictures! No, we're not having another baby. Do you really think I'd announce something like that through the blog?

It's time to plant the vegetable garden again! I know you are just as excited as I am. Technically, today is the first day we can plant our Spring garden, but I will start planting tomorrow. Here's our planting schedule:

2/16: English Peas, Onion seeds
2/28: Spinach
3/1: Leaf Lettuce
3/5: Carrots
3/10: Cauliflower, Cabbage, Swiss Chard
3/15: Broccoli

It's time to get my double diggin' on!

And, yes, I'll keep trying to get some more pictures on here.