Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Preparing the Gardens (pics included!)

Just to keep you interested, I'll go ahead and let you know that there are pics of Sam at the end! Now, on to the boring stuff. . .

This year, we will let you in on more of the details concerning our planting, growing, and harvesting the vegetables. I can tell that you can barely hold back your excitement! Me too! So far, we've planted seeds for peas and onions. The peas have begun to sprout, but we don't have a camera that will focus on something that small. However, the pics below do include the first signs of Spring springing as our phlox is starting to come up! Tomorrow I will build a trellis for the peas (which should be a very interesting endeavor for me). I'll try to document as much of the action as I can. Last year, we didn't build a trellis because we grew a dwarf variety. This year, we are growing Early Alaska pea that grows taller and has bigger pods with more peas; thus the need for the trellis. The great news is that even though this year's variety is bigger, the time from planting to harvest is actually shorter (56 days).

A wave of thunderstorms put a hold on planting the spinach and lettuce, though. After we wait for the ground to dry out, we will plant the spinach and lettuce. Next up are carrots (3/5), cauliflower, cabbage, swiss chard (3/10), and broccoli (3/15).

By the way, I'd love to hear if any of you have gardens, have had gardens, know any "tricks of the trade," or have any ideas for plants/vegetables we could grow. Please share!

Below are some pics of us getting the gardens ready, including many pics of Sam!

1 comment:

  1. Mark, I've been pretty involved with the organic farm at school, and I've learned some pretty neat things about making your own soil. I'm mostly the person that picks the weeds (it needs to get done!), but this season, when we start planting (probably not until mid-april though, given the weather/snow), I'll let you know if I learn some cool things. But right now, we're preparing to tap maple trees, and it's pretty awesome!
